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VARTA'daki yenilikler.

VARTA'daki yenilikler.

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VARTA AG concludes successful ECO2LIB research project: High-performance and more cost-effective lithium-ion batteries for a wide range of applications

Ellwangen, 12. November 2024 – Thanks to the European ECO2LIB research project, a new generation of energy storage systems is now available. After four years of intensive research, a breakthrough has been achieved under the leadership of VARTA AG with a high level of innovation: Longer-lasting, more efficient and more cost-effective lithium-ion batteries are now available. These are particularly…

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24. Eylül 2024
ENTISE: Research project to develop environmentally friendly, cost-effective sodium-ion batteries has started successfully

The ENTISE research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), starts with the aim of developing a powerful, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly cell chemistry for sodium-ion batteries and converting it…

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18. Haziran 2024
VARTA Starts Most Advanced Home Storage Production in Germany

New production line in Ellwangen secures European leadership in the energy storage market, creates 120 new jobs, and strengthens the regional economy.

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16. Ekim 2023
Sustainable energy storage for renewable energies

Small power plants on the balcony are booming. But where to put the electricity generated when nothing is being consumed in the household?

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