High quality service is a matter of course for VARTA

High quality service is a matter of course for VARTA

With VARTA, you have a strong partner to help you with everything that brings you customer satisfaction and economic success: a well-known, trustworthy brand, high-quality products and a unique service package.

Become a VARTA specialist partner

As VARTA specialist partner you can help your customers to become independent of increasing energy prices. Because with a VARTA energy storage system the self-produced, green energy is available anytime and the self-consumption can be increased to up to 80% and more. In doing so, everyone can become their own energy supplier and be independent from the weather, operators and increasing energy costs.

For VARTA the installers are an extremely important link between manufacturers and end customers. We have a network of more than 7,000 certified installers to install an energy storage system of VARTA and maintain it during its service. The quality of our service is as important to us as the quality of our storage systems. We provide our installers with the necessary support for any technical and distribution issues.

Good reasons for a partnership with VARTA

Varta Logo

Made in Germany

High-performance and reliable technology made in Germany as well as production in southern Germany for fast delivery times.

Reliable on-site service

Personal advice and support on site by our local service team and our sales representatives.

Comprehensive support in everyday business

Our training courses, sales materials and support tools provide comprehensive support for everyday sales.

Continuous research and development

We’re setting the standard for battery technology through continuous investment. In doing so we offer, for example,  with our plug & play technology a quick and easy installation.

Service and warranty from one source

VARTA energy storage systems are available as complete AC systems with an integrated battery inverter or DC systems, making them perfect for both retrofitting and new installations.


When it comes to safety, we do not compromise. That's why we rely on a multi-level security concept, from development to installation.

The VARTA energy storage systems at a glance

The VARTA energy storage systems as AC all-in-one systems with integrated battery inverter are perfectly suitable for retrofitting as well as for new installations.

(10 / 15 / 20 kWh)
Our new generation of DC high-voltage storage units.

The VARTA.wall convinces as a modular, pluggable system with simple installation, without external wiring of the modules and with only 10 cm installation depth. The three available capacities of the VARTA.wall are equipped with the most modern 21700 round cells in the VARTA double module.

VARTA pulse neo
(6.5 kWh)
Our smallest energy storage system on the market and a smart entry into independence!

As a smart model, the VARTA pulse neo is perfectly suited for any smart home thanks to its flexibly expandable VS-XMS operating system. It also won over our customers and got top marks in the test in the “Energy” category in the reader’s choice poll.²

VARTA element backup
(6,5 / 13,0 / 19,5 kWh)
For the whole family. The complete solution with integrated emergency power function.

The VARTA element backup offers an emergency power function for selective users, which can be realised through the VARTA emergency power box. In the event of power failure, the energy storage system automatically switches to emergency power operation. In addition to that, the VARTA element backup is also capable of black start.

VARTA flex storage E
(75 kWh – 750 kWh)
Big but flexible – optimum energy for your business!

The modular design of VARTA flex storage makes it possible to individually adjust the output, capacity and functionality according to different requirements. VARTA flex storage systems are optimised for various applications in the commercial sector – from increasing selfconsumption and peak shaving to acting act as an emergency power supply.

1 Energy Storage System Inspection 2021 HTW Berlin. VARTA pulse 6 in reference case 1
2 haustec.de readers’ poll with the VARTA pulse in 2019 and the VARTA pulse neo in 2021

Technical data
  VARTA.wall VARTA pulse neo VARTA element backup VARTA flex Storage E

(10 / 15 / 20)

(6) (6 / 12 / 18) (75  – 750 kWh)  
Nominal battery capacity

10 / 15 / 20 kWh

6.5 kWh 6,5 / 13,0 / 19,5 kWh 75 to 750 kWh  
Max. AC charge power

5 / 7,5 / 10 kW

2.5 kW 2,2 / 4,0 / 4,0 kW 36 to 120 kW  
Electrochemistry - NMC NMC NMC  
Dimensions (w x h x d) in mm

605 x 1310 / 1765 / 2150 x 100

600 x 690 x 186 600 x 1,176 x 500 Configuration-dependent  
Weight 87,4 / 124,4 / 161,4 kg     65 kg 115 x 165 x 215 kg Configuration-dependent  
  • DC high-voltage system
  • Wall mounting
  • Can be retrofitted
  • Ultra slim with only 10cm installation depth
  • Easy installation without external wiring of the modules
  • AC all-in-one system including battery inverter
  • Wall mounting
  • Flexibly expandable operating system VS-XMS
  • Fast installation thanks to plug & play technology
  • AC all-in-one system including battery inverter
  • Free-standing
  • Retrofit-capable anytime
  • Fast installation thanks to plug & play technology
  • Emergency power function3 and black start capability
  • AC all-in-one system including battery inverter
  • Free-standing
  • Self-consumption optimisation
  • Peak-shaving
  • Islanding 3
  • External setpoint 3


VARTA portal
As certified installer you can monitor your storage systems within the VARTA portal.
VARTA calculation tool
Calculate the right energy storage size

VARTA certification training for installers

With more than 130 years of battery expertise made in Germany VARTA energy storage systems stand for quality and reliability. This also includes the training and certification of our partners. That is why we regularly offer training courses in which installers can be trained to become certified VARTA specialist partners.

You can look forward to following training content:

  • History of VARTA AG
  • Overview of VARTA energy storage systems
  • Information regarding transport and safety
  • Installation and commissioning of VARTA energy storage systems

And the best: In the end, you are a certified specialist partner and can sell and install VARTA energy storage systems. Moreover, as specialist partner you receive latest information and comprehensive support from our on-site service team.

Each training costs €90.00 (net) and takes place from 9.00 am - 5.00 pm. The online training (webinar) costs €49.00 (net) and normally takes place from 9.00 am - 12.30 pm. All trainings take place in German language.

Mit mehr als 135 Jahren Batterie-Expertise - made in Germany - stehen VARTA Energiespeicher für Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. Dazu gehören auch die Schulung und Zertifizierung von unseren Partnern.

Folgende Schulungsinhalte werden Sie unter anderem erwarten:


You can also complete our certification training conveniently and flexibly as eLearning. When this format starts, the online training will be available to you free of charge.


Complete our certification training as eLearning at any time and for a short time free of charge.

Webinars DC

Join our free DC certification training online.
27.02.2025 | 14.30-17.00 Uhr

Webinars AC

Join our free AC certification training online.
18.02.2025 | 9.00-11.30 Uhr
18.03.2025 | 9.00-11.30 Uhr

Smart control and monitoring

You can keep track of your energy storage system with the VARTA Portal or the VARTA Storage app. With the app, you can control your energy storage system from anywhere at any time.


Around the clock, around the world - mobile monitoring of your energy storage system on your smartphone. Visualised in graphic form, you can see performance data as well as your self-sufficiency and self-consumption rate. Daily, monthly, annually or over the entire term - with just a few clicks you are always up to date.

Any questions?

We will be happy to help you with any questions
regarding our energy storage systems!
Call us at: +49 9081 240 86 0 or

Technical support

Our staff is happy to answer any technical
questions you may have.


Opening hours

Mon-Thu   8.00 am - 12.00 pm
1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Fri   8.00 am - 12.00 pm
1.00 pm - 3.00 pm