VARTA Energiespeicher
VARTA Energiespeicher

Experience the energy of independence

Experience the energy of independence

We can sit and talk about the energy revolution all day: better to start right away in your own home with your own energy.

VARTA energy storage system

The basic idea of an energy storage system is the ideal management of the differences between the generation of electricity and the actual consumption. With a VARTA energy storage system, you can temporarily store the energy you’ve produced yourself and then use it when you actually need it. This enables you to use green energy 24 hours a day and increase your self-consumption to 80% and more.

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Good reasons to purchase a VARTA energy storage system

Varta Logo

135 years of battery expertise

As a technology company, VARTA is the only provider of energy storage systems to have more than 135 years of expertise in batteries made in Germany.



As AC efficiency winner we received top ratings on the market in the categories of battery efficiency and standby consumption!1

AC and DC systems

VARTA energy storage systems are available as complete AC systems with an integrated battery inverter or DC systems, allowing you to find the perfect storage system for both retrofits and new installations

Future-proof and flexible

The storage capacity can be expanded at any time, even after installation.


Integrate and connect various devices and applications such as energy sources, inverters, heat sources, charging stations and smart home applications without any problem.

10 year warranty

As battery experts made in Germany, we give you up to 10 years’ warranty – because we know we can rely on our energy storage systems.2

Energy Storage System Inspection 2021 HTW Berlin. VARTA pulse 6 in reference case 1
10-year warranty when taking out the online warranty. According to terms of manufacturer‘s warranties (Downloads). Reduction of the warranty to 5 years for offline devices. A prerequisite for VARTA to grant the warranty is the warranty registration via the VARTA Portal.


12. новембар 2024
VARTA AG concludes successful ECO2LIB research project: High-performance and more cost-effective lithium-ion batteries for a wide range of applications

Ellwangen, 12. November 2024 – Thanks to the European ECO2LIB research project, a new generation of energy storage systems is now available. After four years of intensive research, a breakthrough has been achieved under the leadership of VARTA AG…

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[Translate to English:]
24. септембар 2024
ENTISE: Research project to develop environmentally friendly, cost-effective sodium-ion batteries has started successfully

The ENTISE research project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), starts with the aim of developing a powerful, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly cell chemistry for sodium-ion batteries and converting it…

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18. јун 2024
VARTA Starts Most Advanced Home Storage Production in Germany

New production line in Ellwangen secures European leadership in the energy storage market, creates 120 new jobs, and strengthens the regional economy.

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Independence and cost efficiency

With a VARTA energy storage system, you`re not only able to store your own green energy and thus contribute to the energy revolution, but also make yourself independent of rising electricity prices. In this way, you permanently increase your self-consumption and benefit from constant electricity costs.

Your annual electricity bill
4,800 kWh (annual power consumption) x 41 cent/kWh (current average electricity price)4 = EUR 1,968
 EUR 1,968
Your annual electricity bill with PV system and VARTA energy storage system [80% assumed self-sufficiency level]
960 kWh (purchase from the power grid) x 41 cent/kWh (current average electricity price)4 = EUR 394
EUR 394
Your annual electricity bill with PV system and VARTA energy storage system EUR 1,574
Savings after 10 years EUR 15,740

Simplified calculation example. Data without guarantee.

BDEW Bundesverband der Energie-und Wasserwirtschaft e.V.

Get a non-binding offer now

VARTA calculation tool
Calculate the storage size that suits you best.
Keep an eye on your energy storage system.

The VARTA energy storage systems at a glance

The VARTA energy storage systems as AC all-in-one systems with integrated battery inverter are perfectly suitable for retrofitting as well as for new installations.

(10 / 15 / 20 kWh)
Our new generation of DC high-voltage storage units.

The VARTA.wall convinces as a modular, pluggable system with simple installation, without external wiring of the modules and with only 10 cm installation depth. The three available capacities of the VARTA.wall are equipped with the most modern 21700 round cells in the VARTA double module.

VARTA pulse neo
(6.5 kWh)
Our smallest energy storage system on the market and a smart entry into independence!

As a smart model, the VARTA pulse neo is perfectly suited for any smart home thanks to its flexibly expandable VS-XMS operating system. It also won over our customers and got top marks in the test in the “Energy” category in the reader’s choice poll.²

VARTA element backup
(6,5 / 13,0 / 19,5 kWh)
For the whole family. The complete solution with integrated emergency power function.

The VARTA element backup offers an emergency power function for selective users, which can be realised through the VARTA emergency power box. In the event of power failure, the energy storage system automatically switches to emergency power operation. In addition to that, the VARTA element backup is also capable of black start.

VARTA flex storage E
(75 kWh – 750 kWh)
Big but flexible – optimum energy for your business!

The modular design of VARTA flex storage makes it possible to individually adjust the output, capacity and functionality according to different requirements. VARTA flex storage systems are optimised for various applications in the commercial sector – from increasing selfconsumption and peak shaving to acting act as an emergency power supply.

Technical data
  VARTA.wall VARTA pulse neo VARTA element backup VARTA flex Storage E

(10 / 15 / 20)

(6) (6 / 12 / 18) (75  – 750 kWh)  
Nominal battery capacity

10 / 15 / 20 kWh

6.5 kWh 6,5 / 13,0 / 19,5 kWh 75 to 750 kWh  
Max. AC charge power

5 / 7,5 / 10 kW

2.5 kW 2,2 / 4,0 / 4,0 kW 36 to 120 kW  
Electrochemistry - NMC NMC NMC  
Dimensions (w x h x d) in mm

605 x 1310 / 1765 / 2150 x 100

600 x 690 x 186 600 x 1,176 x 500 Configuration-dependent  
Weight 87,4 / 124,4 / 161,4 kg     65 kg 115 x 165 x 215 kg Configuration-dependent  
  • DC high-voltage system
  • Wall mounting
  • Can be retrofitted
  • Ultra slim with only 10cm installation depth
  • Easy installation without external wiring of the modules
  • AC all-in-one system including battery inverter
  • Wall mounting
  • Flexibly expandable operating system VS-XMS
  • Fast installation thanks to plug & play technology
  • AC all-in-one system including battery inverter
  • Free-standing
  • Retrofit-capable anytime
  • Fast installation thanks to plug & play technology
  • Emergency power function3 and black start capability
  • AC all-in-one system including battery inverter
  • Free-standing
  • Self-consumption optimisation
  • Peak-shaving
  • Islanding 3
  • External setpoint 3


Any questions?

We will be happy to help you with any questions
regarding our energy storage systems!
Call us at: +49 9081 240 86 0 or


Opening hours

Mon - Thu   8.00 am - 12.00 pm
1.00 pm - 5.00 pm
Fri          8.00 am - 12.00 pm
1.00 pm - 3.00 pm

NEW: Our portal

Your energy storage at a glance

In our new portal you will find all your energy storage data in one place. Take a look at your storage at any time and find all the values ​​for your electricity generation in clear graphics.

Whether in real time, on a daily basis, monthly, annually or over the entire term - you can access all the information with just a few clicks. You can also manage your settings and installer authorizations via

Our new portal offers you even faster charging times and modern and simple user guidance.
Now also mobile: With the associated VARTA.home app