The VARTA Brand Core
The VARTA brand core "Empowering Independence" has shaped VARTA since the beginning of the company's 135-year history which has already taken our battery cells on the most exciting missions in human history. Whether it was the first moon landing or ground breaking expeditions to the North Pole - people relied on VARTA energy when reliability and power were needed.
In order to continue to be successful in the future and as a customer-centric company a brand-focussed approach is the decisive factor for us as to ensure sustainable corporate success. With our corporate vision & mission and our brand mission statement, we have given our daily work a common direction. By consistently observing and adhering to these in line with a stringent brand management, we are able to steadily expand the presence, perception and value of the VARTA brand.
VARTA`s Brand Story

Individualization is the megatrend of the 21st century. The yearning for self-determination and freedom has never been as strong as it is now. These needs are reflected in rapid technical progress which is expanding people's mobility and flexibility in all areas of life. Medical devices, consumer electronics or industrial applications therefore need customized and reliable energy storage solutions to be able to deliver on their promises of freedom. VARTA defines the future of battery technology to enable a more independent life.
The best product is the result of an outstanding performance by the entire organization. This requires more than pure energy. One hundred percent reliability is the basis of every action for VARTA - whether in products, processes or relationships. This claim is based on a tradition of over 135 years of perfectionism, honesty and an unconditional will to perform "made in Germany". VARTA meets its customers as a partner and advisor with handshake quality, who develops the joint business synergetically and in the long term. Strict cost efficiency along the entire value chain, outstanding machine efficiency, highest productivity and a lean organization enable VARTA to offer the best price-performance ratio in each business segment. Employees experience VARTA as a committed employer that lives a corporate culture based on appreciation, team spirit and excellence. In this environment, top performance is the standard.

Explorers don't ask for the way - they go their own way. From the utopias of today, they make the standards of tomorrow. Thanks to permanent innovation, countless patents, tailor-made production facilities and international research networks, VARTA shows the industry the way as a technology leader. Under the umbrella of the VARTA brand, visionary and reliable energy storage innovations are created for manufacturers, retailers and end customers. From micro batteries, household batteries to large-scale storage solutions, all conceivable applications are covered. VARTA always thinks one step ahead and is considered a think tank of the industry. In interdisciplinary cooperations, experts work and research far beyond their own specialist field on the solutions of tomorrow. All of this is based on a corporate culture characterized by curiosity, courage and creativity, in which the pioneering spirit feels at home and every employee becomes an explorer.
VARTA does not wait for the future - but actively shapes it. For more than 135 years, VARTA has assumed real responsibility for customers, partners and employees as a "good corporate citizen". The commitment to an intact environment runs through the entire value chain. In the mobile, digital, and with its limited resources also sustainable world of tomorrow, the topic of energy efficiency therefore plays a central role. For this reason, VARTA is working intensively with its interdisciplinary networked knowledge and expert pools on the reduction of energy input and its efficient use. Everything at VARTA is driven by the urge to improve the quality of life of future generations. VARTA meets the new working world with innovative work models, modern collaboration methods and permanent employee development.