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Application Specific Batteries

Application Specific Batteries

Immediately available lithium-ion battery packs for small and medium sized vehicles

Application Specific Batteries

24V, 36V & 48V Lithium Battery Modules, scalable from 0.58kWh to 37.5kWh.

The Application Specific Batteries (ASB) from VARTA are designed for the use in small and medium sized vehicles like AGV’s and forklifts. The Lithium-Ion batteries are modular and expandable and therefore can be adjusted for your application in industries like logistics, agriculture and others. Customers are provided with a ready-to-use battery solution, including all necessary accessories and certifications.



  • Both NMC and Lithium Iron Phosphate chemistries available in 24V and 48V
  • Configure up to 25 modules in any orientation, fitting a wide-range of flexible mechanical configurations right up to 37.5kWh
  • High Energy Density with up to 247Wh/l and 156Wh/kg for Long Run-time
  • CAN Communications for a full and flexible system control and reporting between charger, battery and device
  • Quicker charging and occasional charge at high charge and discharge capabilities
  • Long Cycle Life for Useful Calendar Life, much longer service life before any replacement is necessary
  • No development costs and faster time to market


Material Handling

AGV and Robotics

Low Speed Electric Vehicle

Product range

We offer a broad range of compact battery packs with many added features to provide OEM customers with functions that go beyond mere power supply.

    VKB Rated capacity Nominal voltage Discharge current Cyle Life Charge Temperature Discharge Temperature Watt-Hour Download  
EASY BLOCK 24 56650 764 099 22,8 Ah 25,6 V 20 A 10.000 cycles 0 °C to +50 °C -20 °C to +60 °C 583 Wh Battery
EASY BLOCK 48 56650 764 098 11,4 Ah 51,2 V 10 A 10.000 cycles 0 °C to +50 °C -20 °C to +60 °C 583 Wh Battery
EASY BLADE 24 56654 799 098 58 Ah 25,9 V 31 A 1.200 cycles 0 °C to +45 °C -20 °C to +55 °C 1,502 kWh Battery
EASY BLADE 36 56654 799 089 44,8 Ah 37 V 60 A 1.200 cycles 0 °C to +45 °C -20 °C to +55 °C 1,658 kWh Battery
EASY BLADE 48 56654 799 092 29 Ah 51,8 V 10,3 A 1.200 cycles 0 °C bis +45 °C -20 °C bis +55 °C 1,502 kWh Battery
EASY BLADE Baby 24 V 56672 7420 98 17.4 Ah 25.2 V 16.5 A 1.200 cycles 0 °C bis +45 °C -20 °C bis +60 °C 439 kWh -  

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Lernen Sie unsere weiteren Standard- und kundenspezifische Lithium-Ionen Batterielösungen kennen

Im Geschäftsbereich POWER entwickelt VARTA wiederaufladbare, standardisierte und kundenspezifische Lithium-Ionen Batterie-Packs. Unabhängig von der jeweiligen Technologie oder der Komplexität der Aufgaben, bietet unser Team Komplettservices vom Design bis zur Produktion für OEM-Kunden.