- Speaking slots on the main stages of WT | Wearable Technologies Conferences, BIM World, MEDICA, Mobile World Congress MWC, and many more leading tech events.
- Free development kits.
- Free use of productions labs and testing facilities.
- Free marketing packages and extensive media coverage at a global level.
- Significant advice from international tech experts to support your business development: finding the right components, go-to-market strategy, and commercial launch, to mention but a few.
- Placement on the Hall of Fame of the IoT/WT Innovation World Cup®.
Get ready to scale up with VARTA Microbattery and the 11th IOT/WT Innovation World Cup®!
#TheRaceIsBack! The wait is finally over, the world’s leading competition in the area of IoT is back! We are welcoming techpreneurs from all around the world to submit their disruptive solutions in the following categories: Industrial | City | Transport | Agriculture | Healthcare | Sports | Home | Lifestyle.
We at VARTA Microbattery, together with our partner Innovation World Cup®, are looking for the best innovative Internet of Things and Wearable Technologies start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs to take part in the 11th IOT/WT Innovation World Cup®.
Every year, the Innovation World Cup® selects about 60 techpreneurs and their ground-breaking solutions out of more than 1,000 submissions for the Innovation World Cup® finals. These finalists will have the opportunity to pitch at leading industry events and get the support needed to take their solutions to the next level.The participation in the competition is free of charge and the advantage you will get is invaluable! Win prizes worth over $500,000 including €10,000 in cash. Winners and finalists will get exclusive benefits to boost their development:
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News & Presse
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73479 Ellwangen
Phone: +49 (7961) 921 – 0
E-Mail: pr@varta-ag.com